4 Feminine Pillars of Financial Freedom

Susan Shloss |

Achieving financial freedom (the feminine way) takes a deep commitment to loving yourself. Practical actions taken from the space of relaxation and intuition feed the river of abundance that will keep your bank accounts flourishing. How can you stay open to your flow of prosperity and remain grounded in clarity to see your visions manifest? Susan Shloss joins René Nourse to discuss how you can support a wholesome connection to money and compassionately explore what might be blocking your financial freedom. They'll talk about powerful ways to increase your capacity to receive in order to enjoy new levels of abundance—plus daily rituals to improve your confidence in day-to-day tracking and insights on how to shine a loving light on patterns that no longer serve you.




Susan Shloss is a Certified Money Coach (CMC)® who combines practical financial expertise with intuitive inspiration. With more than 25 years in financial services, Susan has worked as an investment specialist and operations manager at Charles Schwab and built a 6-figure bookkeeping business. In her coaching practice, Money Wisdom Coaching, she is committed to doing her part to change a system of dominance and oppression to one of equity and inclusion. She aspires to facilitate transformation for all who struggle with money, offering powerful tools to support deep change with compassion and respect. Susan’s degree in Music Therapy informs her work, allowing her to bring auditory healing with her violin to enhance people’s experience. Her study of energy healing, bodywork, yoga, and a lifelong meditation practice help her support clients in self-care needs that rest at the foundation of an abundant life.