Quit or Realign? How to Get Your Business or Career in Sync with Your Life

Elaine Lou Cartas |

Are you tired of battling between “what has been working” and “what you really want” in your business?

According to the Harvard Business Review, 47 million Americans quit their jobs in 2021. And according to NPR, 5.4 million new businesses were created in 2021 and 4.4 million in 2020. Why do you think this has happened? My thoughts — We all want to have a sustainable and aligned life and business! In the past 2 years since the pandemic, we’ve been stuck in our walls and asking ourselves tough questions like:

  • Are we happy?
  • Is this fulfilling me?
  • Can I see myself here in 5 years?

There’s a beauty in becoming aware. The brave thing (if you choose to do it) is to create aligned change.

I’ve made a lot of career changes in my life. I’ve quit jobs, I’ve been fired, and I’ve switched career paths entirely. Some might say I have commitment issues because of all the changes I’ve made to my career, but I don’t think so. I know that I’m committed to myself and my happiness, and you should be, too.

Scaling and pivoting your business can come in many different forms, whether that’s creating a new high-level offer, revamping your business model, hiring a team member or business partner, or deciding to spend money on investing in a coach. Just remember: you’re a legacy maker, and you have a unique message to share with the world.

In my Smart Women/Savvy Money webinar, I'll teach you how to simplify the process of creating your aligned legacy. Here’s what we will cover:

  • How to scale your business in a way that feels aligned to you, and doesn’t copy everyone else
  • Why you should trust your intuition to grow your business
  • The value of tracking your numbers
  • Focusing on your “why”
  • Questions to ask to get feedback from your clients
  • How to avoid shiny object syndrome and focus on the One Thing! (Here’s a great book on this!)
  • How to schedule your week that revolves around your life and not your business

It’s so important to take a pause and reflect on how you feel about your business and life to make sure that you are creating a sustainable business and life.

Some of this information is also discussed in my Color Your Dreams podcast, “Identity Crisis? How to Quit or Realign Your Business or Career with Your Life.”