Coming Soon: New Smart Women/Savvy Money Webinars

Urban Wealth Management |

Our Smart Women/Savvy Money webinars are returning in 2022 with a slight twist. We realize squeezing more Zoom meetings into your schedule is tricky for most people. So to lighten your load, we will host and record conversations with our expert presenters and bring them to you once a month. We'll let members of the SWSM Club know in advance about the topics, and you are welcome to send us any questions you have!

One important change: webinar recordings will only be available to people who are part of the Smart Women/Savvy Money Club. You can watch them on this website with a simple sign-in or see them on Facebook by joining the Smart Women/Savvy Money Club group.

If you have any questions—or suggestions for future webinar topics—please let us know! You can use the contact form here, reply to one of our emails, or comment or message us through social media. Here's to a great, productive, and prosperous year in 2022!